Ama is an ex­tra­or­di­nary Japan­ese bar thanks to its re­spect for tra­di­tional recipes, high qual­ity in­gre­di­ents, and an un­beat­able lo­ca­tion on the is­land of Hol­box in the Mex­i­can Caribbean.

The bar's name, vi­sual iden­tity and pack­ag­ing, in­spired by the his­tory of the Japan­ese Amas: women divers from Japan, fa­mous for col­lect­ing oys­ters and pearls from the ocean. With a lan­guage at­tached to Japan­ese min­i­mal­ism, and the use of il­lus­tra­tions and pho­tos, this brand­ing pro­ject ac­cu­rately rep­re­sents vis­it­ing this unique place.

Photos by Juan Hernández / Work for Sociedad anonima